Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Do we really need that Jimmy Choos?

I am always amazed at how some people are willing to part with a huge sum of money just to get those Jimmy Choo’s shoes. I also wonder what make those shoes so darn expensive anyway. If you want comfortable shoes, I am sure you could find a pair that will not cost as much as JC’s but is just as comfortable. Besides, even when I see them on the celebs, they still do not look that comfy.

Anyway, people say that as we progress in life, we need to pamper ourselves but honestly; do we really need to buy all these expensive things? Do we really need to buy those RM1200 shoes to make us happy? It is a truly sad day if ever my happiness would be determine on what shoes I am wearing.

I do not need a JC to make me happy. A chat with an old friend will do. Having a nice meal with my loved ones will do it too. Even laying in bed with a good book will have me smiling too.

Life is short. Make it a memorable one. A pair of shoes will not miss you when you are gone but your loved ones will.

1 comment:

mimizarina said...

gosh I totally agree with you! RM1200 for a pair of stilletos! crazy ah? I'd rather save the money for a few nice dinners. or my tabung for my macbook!