Saturday, January 12, 2008

Locked Out!!

I was locked out of my office yesterday.. i went to the toilet without realising that i left my office door tag laying on my table! darn smart of me, i must say...

As I was just stepping away from the door, i realised that i didn't have my tag with me so immediately i turn around.. but only to helplessly watched the door swung closed and clicked. For a moment then, i wished i had elastic limps so i can stretch my hands to the door handle or a longer legs so i can step wider and reach the door handle in time... sigh...

so.. i had to wait for about an hour and a half for help to come and open the doors for me... thank god my guys was around.. if this happened next week, i would fry my ass off as none of my colleagues will be in the country...

everything happens for a reason.. this is God's way of telling me.. always wear your office tag around your neck!!

aye aye, chief!!

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